
Wearing Knee Braces for Injury Prevention in Football at All Levels of Play

Injuries to the knees are some of the most common severe injuries in football, no matter whether players are high school, collegiate, or professional athletes. For this reason, many players wear devices like Mueller braces and supports to prevent those injuries. They may do so on recommendations from a personal trainer or their own medical doctor. In the collegiate world, a doctor with the school's college of medicine may make this recommendation for players in certain roles, such as linemen. This technique is medically known as prophylactic knee bracing. Relevant Research Research is conflicting about whether knee braces are helpful for preventing injury to the joint and the soft tissues around it. One problem is that not all players wear the best types of knee braces and supports for prophylactic use. Devices designed to help people with an existing or previous knee injury commonly protect one area of the knee more than other parts. This can be ineffective for all-around ...